Tweens, it is a word that I discovered only recently. Defined as the age between 10 to 13, it is the period before the dreaded teenager phase and today… is the day you stepped into this new phase of life. And I am just so happy to have you in my life.
This is also a big milestone for me, because it symbolically balances the time I have been away with the time I have been with you. It certainly has been a wonderful time since I have decided to move here, albeit all the challenges.
From here henceforth, you will begin to find your place and character in this new phase of your life. Many have said things will change, but i hold on to the hope that you and I will continue to do the funny silly things that I have taught you.
For a start, I am so happy you and I still click our thumbs together to “jeh-let”, something that I used to do when I was a kid.

You still willingly give me daily huggies, no sign of you finding that a chore yet :) We still hold hands when we walk around, especially when I pick you up after school. You still ask for nightly kisses before you sleep, and we still maintain our Wednesday night chats till you fall asleep. It’s a sacred time where you share with me all your secrets and happy moments in school and also the not so happy moments. I sincerely hope this openness will never end.
We asked what you would like to eat for your birthday, and we offered you several choices to go out. All you wanted was “Daddy’s kong-fu chow” (my cantonese fried noodles), which have become your all time favourite dish. It is our very own version of KFC. Yes, of course you can have that… and save me the money of not going out to eat too :)

You’re such a kind hearted child, and have a cautious approach to your surroundings. It gives me comfort to know that you are able to discern (within your age and understanding), the difference between right and wrong. You are also funny and cheeky, except when I ate that last piece of the ‘kuih’ that you wanted. You were very upset but accepts that we will buy you more when we have the chance.
Our latest adventure includes doing song recording together, and I love every bit of it.
Today as I dropped you at school, I sent you a flying kiss and you jumped up and catch an imaginary kiss and shouted “Daddy, I caught it”…. I hope we will do this for as long as possible.
Together with mommy, we are looking looking forward to teaching you everything we know, and may you always be as loving as ever.
Happy 10th birthday, my beautiful Elly.