Evidently, the soul of this year’s Halloween for children was taken away due to the pandemic restrictions. Nevertheless, I am reminded of an encounter which took place during last year’s Halloween while doing trick or treating with my daughter, and it was an experience that still makes me ruminates on it till this day.
We covered a few suburbs earlier together with her friends, Elly’s basket was already almost full. However, I did not want to waste a single ounce of opportunity doing such a fun activity with Elly. As she grows up, I will never know when she will stop wanting to do trick or treating with me and only want to be with her friends instead. Therefore, as we drove into the street heading towards home, I asked Elly whether she would like to do a final walk of the street while mommy takes the car home.
Elly gleefully agreed.
We held hands and walked together, talked about some silly things while she filled her baskets with more goodies. It was getting late and the sun was quickly retiring into the horizon.
It was then that we passed by this little townhouse estate, a man was standing in the parking area holding a beer bottle with hisleft hand while puffing with his right. He had curly shoulder length hair and though it was dark, I could see the tattoos on both his arms.
Moments later, he noticed we were walking past and started calling out to us. I could not really make out what he was saying but given the condition and the way he looked; as you would expect, my heart rate was elevated, red flags all showing and hence, I quickened my pace. I could tell that Elly too was feeling uncomfortable as she started grabbing my hand a little tighter.
We failed in our attempt to escape as he ran towards us and as he gave us his evening greetings, I could smell the alcohol in his breath. He then asked…
“Are you doing trick or treating?”
As soon as I answered yes, he turned towards what I presumed was his home in the estate and called out to his partner/wife, asking her to bring some goodies out.
There was no reply, and again he called out to his wife/partner. He then asked us to wait while he goes and get some for Elly.
What would you do? Would you wait? Would you run?

We did not make a second attempt to escape, and the man returned with his wife/partner with loads of goodies. They said some of the sweetest things to Elly and we talked about the weather (because it’s the most common topic) and they told us about how they prepared so much goodies but no one came.
I told them about the need to put a sign saying that they have opened their home for trick or treating and they said they will do that the following year. They told us a little bit more about the beautiful neighbourhood.
From a perceived sinister encounter, it turned out to be a very pleasant exchange. On the walk back, me and Elly talked about the couple and she told me how she thought they were such nice people.
Could the situation be entirely different? Maybe.
Should we have made a run for it when the man returned to his home to get goodies? On hindsight, no; but at that moment; maybe.
For now, that encounter is a reminder to me that we as humans can be overly judgemental.
What would you have done if you were in a similar situation?
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