Many would say that 2020 is a year in which they learned a lot due to the pandemic, and the shenanigans that came with it. But what if I remove the dreaded virus from the picture, what if I look at 2020 through a window that is without the pandemic, how would that be?
As I told several of my friends, I discovered many things in the last 2 years, particularly about life and myself. Without the cloud of the pandemic, I would highlight just 2.

They key element to fulfilling a new year resolution
We all tend to have a new year resolution, but it is often unfulfilled. I am sure we have seen and heard tonnes of jokes about new year resolution. 2020, though is unique for me because I managed to fulfil my new year resolution for the second time in my life.
I realised that the sole reason I managed to fulfil mine was because I had time. I had time not because of lock-down, it was because I am not holding a full time job. Time allowed me to actually sit down and do the things I told myself that I would do. It struck me that perhaps many resolutions left unfulfilled solely because people lack time.
Even for the all time favourite I-will-lose-weight promise, people just do not have time to work out, and probably always in rush when it comes to meal, hence unable to be more selective of the food they eat.
People are permanently infected with the Bizzi-247 virus. We all need a vaccine for that.
My resolution for 2020 was to read a book, I read 5.
The one thing that money cannot buy
People who know me well will know that I am a firm believer that money can buy everything. Money cannot buy love is a cliché, same goes to money cannot buy a home or other similar overused analogies. Perhaps money cannot buy health is the nearest touchpoint to reality. On this point, I would say money can buy preservation of health.
If you still think money cannot buy those things I mentioned, you just have not expanded the quantum of money required to achieved them. Think bigger, think more.
But there is indeed one thing that I believe money cannot buy, and that thing is trust. Without a shadow of a doubt, no amount of money in the world can buy you trust. In fact, the more money that you have, the less likely that you will be able to trust.
Trust, as they say, is truly priceless.