For almost 6 months, I have been embarking on a remarkable adventure, putting much effort into a path that I am passionate about, with a hope of making a dream come true. Then again, just like most things in life, we do not always get what we want. A few days ago, this adventure came to an end and I experienced a great degree of disappointment.
My family has been with me along the way, and my 8 year old daughter has been very excited about this adventure that I was in. Whenever I spent time with her, we always talk about it, and how life would be if my dream do come true. During our bedtime conversation before I tuck her to sleep, we would always chuckle and smile about what I have been doing and how she wished I would succeed.
Elly (my daughter) has been additionally sweet on the day I received that disappointment, always coming to me to give me a hug and a smile and telling me that it is ok and that I have tried my best. And so, on that night, I lied next to her to have another brief conversation before she went to bed.

“Daddy, you can try again next year…”
I was engulfed with disappointment and was mentally fatigue to give her a yes for an answer. As such, I told her that I am not sure and will probably not.
Coincidentally, a book I am currently reading is called “Games people play” by Eric Berne MD, and it states that we all (including children) has a parent, adult and child in us. It was then that Elly put on her parent and adult aura and said this to me…
“Daddy, are you giving up? You should always try again and don’t give up easily, you always tell me not to give up”
All of a sudden, I feel like the child being lectured by my parent. For the longest time, I have been asking her to always try new things and if she does not like it, or not able to perform certain things, I will always ask her to try again.
From her homework, to calisthenics movements, to singing, to violin, to trying new cuisine… often times my words to Elly were… “Don’t give up”
And now, it is my daughter who passes on that lesson to me.
Will I try again? Not too sure yet. For now though, I am immensely proud and happy that my daughter actually listens and remember what I say. We have to give our children more credit that they deserve.
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